Portfolio of Current Projects
Sort by status: In Progress, Completed | Sort by type: Commercial, Detention Facilities, Industrial, Medical
Shasta College 12kV Infrastructure Replacement
Work consists of installation of owner furnished electrical equipment on existing concrete pads, removal of existing medium voltage conductors, installation…

Chico USD Cooler/Freezer Replacement
Work consists of design (preparation of plans and specifications), construction, installation, and commissioning services for the addition of a walk-in…

Cal Poly Humboldt Engineering and Technology Building
Stephens Electrical will perform work on the new three-story 72,000 sf academic building located on the campus event field. The…

Cottonwood Collections System Improvements
Work consists of constructing electrical and mechanical improvements at four wastewater lift stations, replacement of up to +/- 5,600 LF…

Foothill Water Treatment Plant Generator
Work consists of installation of a new standby generator with automatic transfer switch at the City's Foothill Water Treatment Plant,…

Stillwater WWTP and Sludge Lagoon Project
Work consists of modification to the digested solids pump station; construction of two facultative sludge lagoons with LLDPE liner systems,…

Williams Well #11
The Project consists of drilling a 450-foot-deep pilot hole and E-logging of the pilot hole for completion of an 18-inch…

City of Redding Well #12
Work consists of installation of a new water treatment plant at the City's Enterprise Well 12 to reduce arsenic, iron…

CSU Chico, University Services Building
Design and construction of a new, 24,000 square foot Facilities Management and Services building.

Durham Intermediate School Increment #1 & #2
Work consists of site work for the new Modular Classroom Buildings and parking at Durham Intermediate School, including demolition, earthwork,…

Lewiston Community Services District Well #08
Work consists of installation of a well pump, miscellaneous process piping and appurtenances and +/- 300' of water main, re-connection…

Berry Creek Elementary School Increment #1 & #2
New construction at Berry Creek Elementary School, including construction of a 9,261 SF classroom building and associated mechanical, electrical, and…

Clear Creek WWTP
Work consists of installation of biodryers and pyrolysis units for biosolids treatment for solids reduction, installation of conveyors and elevated…